Bridlington is set to explode this Christmas with A Winter Festival program of events being pulled together by different groups throughout the town led by ROBOT (Regeneration of Bridlington Old Town)

Bridlington is set to explode this Christmas with A Winter Festival program of events being pulled together by different groups throughout the town led by ROBOT (Regeneration of Bridlington Old Town)

More details will be released shortly, but to coincide with the new festive lighting in the Old Town, the festivities will begin on Sunday 28th November – The First Sunday of Advent.

This will include a countdown and lights switch-on at the Old Town Christmas Tree at 4 pm (by kind permission of Bridlington Town Council) with The Mayor.

Also, A Lantern Walk, Street entertainment including Bridlington Pipe Band; Bridlington Excelsior Band; Coastal Voices; A Steam Organ; Accordionist; Punch & Judy; Walking Jazz Band, Driffield Town Crier, Children’s Victorian-style rides and Morris Dancing. In another first – A Merchants’ Market – comprising of traders solely from Bridlington and Old Town will be selling their wares in period costume from specially purchased gazebos along the High Street.

Then, throughout December restaurants and pubs will join in the festivities, to bring visitors back to Old Town, with their own special events – such as Ghost-themed Evenings with Bridlington Paranormal Investigations and other musical entertainments throughout December (watch for full programme). The Winter Festival will also feature Late Night Shopping Events on Thursdays, culminating with another Street Festival on December 19th, when High Street will again be closed – this will include much of the above, with a lovely Christmassy atmosphere, but the highlight will be a Steam Punk Parade mid-afternoon.

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